Saturday, May 14, 2005

Guessing game time

I'm SOOOO swamped with work this weekend, and the Muses are not coming down to help me write my grant proposal or my progress report! Yes, that's right. By the end of this weekend, I am supposed to have a 5 page grant proposal written AND a 2 page progress report done. Guess how many pages I have so far? Yup, that's right - Z-E-R-O. I have wonderful ideas, but my composition is really off today, and I can't seem to write anything that flows well. The theme is prostate cancer this time - and I might just have the solution to conquering the last nemesis in prostate cancer control if only I can get some $$$ to test my ideas... Any independently wealthy readers out there willing to put your money towards funding my research?!

Anyway, in an attempt to do something fun to rest my fried brain, I figured I'd try something my food blogger friends have been doing: a "Guess what this is?" quiz. Last weekend's guessing game proved to be a lot of fun for my friends, and I'm continuing with that theme... I'm sure you guys were all itching to play my games when you read about them this past week!

And yes, there is a prize! And it's a good one!! But as with all prizes, remember to read the fine print... The first person to guess this right will win a dinner with me at Yuzu! You think that's not so exciting? Molly can tell you all about the advantages of having me with you at Yuzu!!!*

OK, now that you must be jumping with excitement, are you ready for the challenge?

Can you guess what this is?

Here's a hint: it looks suspiciously like something else that it is not. OK, another hint. I got it at Kyoto, and Japan is probably the only place where one can buy this.

Anne, the Papa, and the Mogurin can't apply, since you guys know what the answer is...

Oh yeah, the deadline is Sunday at midnight!

*Dinner not included; chaperone included


Sam said...

Ikkyuji Natto

I don't know but i hope you will acommpany me to Yuzu one day any how!

Anonymous said...

I have no clue! It obviously isn't chocolate nor coffee. Is it powdered shiitake mushroom?

Uchipu said...


Alice said...

Very creative answers, ladies. I wish I could've gotten any/all of those ingredients in this ground up form...

The answer is a lot more mundane...

Clea, since you were the closest, you'll have to come by SF soon so we can check out Yuzu together!! Sam and UP, yes, we'll also have to venture over there together too!